Monday, January 23, 2012

Visit to Kate's house!

The Unicorns give Kate her teddy, Princess Phenelope and other gifts!
Ms. Giselle and the Unicorns sign Kate's cast!
Kate sent a gift for Mr. T!  Mr. T loves his new friend!!!!  Turtle keeps Mr. T company when the Unicorns go home at night.


  1. It's so great that the Unicorns got to visit Kate and sign her cast!

  2. We felt very happy to see Kate. We miss Kate!

  3. I love this blog. Mrs. Hatheway is the best pre-k teacher ever. My class loves being reading buddies with the unicorns! Feel better soon Kate!!

    Miss Wilkes and 2-207

  4. They're so CUTE i read with them, best class ever.

    SARA 2-207

  5. Kate was sooooooo happy to have everybody over! She is so proud of her cast signing and has been busy making paper costumes for Princess Phenelope. She misses her fellow Unicorns and can't wait to come in for a visit. We're hoping to get a wheelchair this week so she can get out and about more.

    We're very lucky to be a part of the Unicorns and count ourselves blessed for Kate to have so many wonderful friends. Thank you all for the warm wishes - Unicorns and 2-207!

    Kate's pop

    1. Hi Mark!
      Nice to hear from you! Just wanted to let you know that there is no Pre-K tomorrow, Friday, January 27th. But if you or Loren want to stop by and get things from Kate's mailbox, you'll find a craft from Tabi's friend of the week week. Also, you'll find the Read-a-thon information. Ms. H
